2025 Festival Dates: AUGUST 14th-17th info@lexblueberryfest.com
Lexington Community Park


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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Heartland Church

Baby Miss Blueberry: ages 1-2 @ 9:00am

Wee Miss Blueberry: ages 3-4 @ 10:30am

Little Miss Blueberry: ages 5-6 @ 1:00pm

Jr. Miss Blueberry: ages 7-9 @ 3:00pm

Miss Blueberry: ages 10-12@ 5:00pm

Miss Teen Blueberry: ages 13-16 @ 5:00pm

ALL WINNERS will be crowned on the Main Stage at Lexington Community Park on Thursday, August 15th at 7:00 pm

View/Print the Pageant Flyer

Refer to the Pageant Rules and Regulations for more information.

NOTE: Pageant is limited to 25-30 entries per age group. 

* * * EXTENDED DEADLINE ENTRY FEE for the PAGEANT until July 28, 2024 is $60.00 * * *

***NOTE: After July 28, 2024 the Entry Fee is $80.00 ***

(T-shirts may not be guaranteed by pageant date for entries received after July 28, 2024)


Please complete the Application, Waiver of Liability, and Medical Release Form/Media Information Sheet. You must also provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate. You can complete the electronic forms below and pay online or print paper copies and mail them with a check.

Registration for this year's pageant is closed ONLINE. Thank you for your interest! Please contact the Pageant Director, Amber Cleland if you still want to enter the Pageant at (419) 914-0914 or via email lexblueberrypageant@gmail.com.

Sorry. This form is no longer available.

Print Pageant Registration Forms

Thursday Night Blue Lights and Bubbles Parade

Signing up for this year's Parade is closed ONLINE. Thank you for your interest! Please contact the Pageant Director, Amber Cleland if you still want to sign up for the Parade at (419) 571-6971 or via email lexblueberrypageant@yahoo.com.

EXTRA T-shirts can NO longer be ordered.

Print Pageant Parade /Extra T-shirt Form

Please contact the Pageant Director, Amber Cleland, if you have any questions about the parade or t-shirts.

Good luck and please be sure to like our Facebook page!

For more information, contact:

Amber Cleland